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服装店展示架 衣柜 店铺道具

Fornarina (弗娜芮纳) 创建于1994年,是意大利 Fornari S.P.A 公司旗下的一个专为年轻人设计的品牌,其涵义是“面包师的女儿”,Fornarina (弗娜芮纳) 的 LOGO 是个胖胖的怪脸女孩,源自意大利名画家拉斐尔在画大教堂时爱上的一个面包师的女儿。广州枫格家具是Fornarina服装连锁店通过设计公司进行整店家具产品制造生产的厂家,2010年以来,连续多年为该品牌在上海、杭州、海南等地区店铺铺设的主要工程项目之一。是枫格家具公司开展服装连锁店家具整店输出生产制造的重要项目,成为行业标致性之一的案例。 Fornarina was founded in 1994. It is a brand specially designed for young people under the Italian Fornari SPA company. Its meaning is "baker's daughter". Fornarina's LOGO is a fat girl. The strange-faced girl comes from the daughter of a baker whom the famous Italian painter Raphael fell in love with while painting a cathedral. Guangzhou Fengge Furniture is a manufacturer of Fornarina clothing chain store furniture products through a design company. Since 2010, it has been one of the main projects for the brand's stores in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Hainan and other regions for many years. It is an important project for Fengge Furniture Company to carry out the entire store output and manufacturing of furniture for clothing chain stores, and has become one of the industry's iconic cases.
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